Sunday, May 17, 2009

We went to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial this morning and found the name of a high school friend of mine "Jimmy Awalt". We were in the same class and I worked for his dad "Bill Awalt" for a couple of years at the local gas station in Plainview. His dad never really got over his son being killed in Nam. Jimmy is the only person I really knew that died in Vietnam even though I served in the military in the late '60's but never went to Vietnam.

We also went through several of the Smithonian muesums and enjoyed it quite a bit.

Many of you probably don't know I have a Commericial Pilots License and I used to own an EAA Sport Biplane much like this one It has been almost 30 years since I have flown but back in the late '70's I used to fly almost every day and flew from Mexico City to Fairbanks Alaska and all points inbetween in planes much like this one.

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